Out of frustration of a broken system that needed systemic change firstly the Tribal Expertise Facility (TEF) and KULA-TIND-JERI were developed to provide a service that allows Tribal and non-Tribal peoples to gain an understanding of the history and knowledges of the local Tribes with a focus on community capacity building through cultural sharing.
The TEF provides the opportunity to spend a specific time with local Tribal peoples including youth, elders, women, and men and experience a day in their lives discussing cultural capacity.
Depending on what aspect of the TEF the customer chooses they get the opportunity to experience first-hand knowledge from women, men, youth, elders on such topics as the environment, discuss the protection our ancestors’ estates, rediscover the life of the Original peoples through tourism, learn a lost and forgotten language, our spiritual connection to Country and self and in general discuss with like-minded people our world.
By learning from a local Tribal group on the customs, laws, foods, medicines, and other knowledges the customer will partake in a day in the life and share information to build ideas and develop two-way learnings.
There are nine (9) areas of individual business growth that makes up our value proposition with Kool Tours being just one of them with a connectiveness of each portfolio of the TEF.
Our structures are from the old ways of sharing and caring for Country, self and our relatives (all our people).
They demonstrate ancient ways of caring for our Ngartji and how by looking after our Ngartji we look after our environment.
They show the importance of our women and young girls.
They show that our men and young boys have a purpose and a role.
They show why we must fight to respect our old people’s estates.
They show why we must understand self and knowing Country, language and cultural rights and responsibilities.
1. Mimini Ngopun
This initiative is to be outsourced initially and developed by Tribal women and young girls and is nurturing component of the business. It will then require the business to develop these ideas.
2. Kool Trees
This business arm is the environmental focus of caring for our lands, water and cosmology. There are many focusses to discuss with two examples being carbon management and the other to protect the environment.
3. Respecting Estates
One of the most if not the most important cog in the business spoke is the respect that must be given to our old peoples that sit in museums and private collection throughout the world.
We as a business must honour the past before we think of the future for as Tribal peoples our past is in ingrained in the future.
4. Kool Tours
This is the shape changing aspect of the business as we get to share culture and history as our forebearers did in a cultural setting through tourism of various lengths from ½ day to daytrippers to longer negotiated experiences.
5. Poorli Yunnan
This future changing visionary arm is for the way forward where our youth create the journey for cultural Tribalism in a new world. Initially this arm of the business will be outsourced to a youth group of the businesses discretion to develop ideas for Tribal youth. Part of the business will require a trip to South Dakota and other parts of the United States of America to allow youth from southern South Australia to network with Native American youth.
6. Wat-Son
Our men and boys programme will provide guidance and a rite of passage that is culturally based to protect our men and boys from losing our identity.
7. Mewi Nukkan
One of the most important initiatives is the research arm where we strengthen what is innately within our people through research of who we are as Tribal peoples.
8. Ngarrindjeri Yunnan
Our original languages have all but been lost and forgotten. It is time to revitalise the pure essence of what it is to an Original Tribal person of southern South Australia through language.
9. Ngartji Yuckii
Our Ngartji is our friend, our totem, and our guides through life. They speak to us; they develop us and are our relatives for life.
Our Ngartji comes in the form of animals, plants and our spiritual dreaming and we must protect and abide by our Ngartjis needs.
Cultural Heritage Focus
Each portfolio is focussed on cultural heritage and knowledges from a local southern South Australian Tribal perspective.
By learning from a local Tribal group on the customs, laws, foods, medicines, and other knowledges the customer will partake in ‘a day in the life’ and share information to build a platform of ideas to develop two-way learnings.
This model has begun through tourism where Tribal knowledge holders who are elders, men, women, and youth and with knowledge holders of language, the respecting estates model, the environment, and research share Country and ask others to share their life journey to bring about oneness.
Through this opportunity of engaging with like-minded people Kool Tours shares ancient cultural information combined with a new way of thinking to make change by understanding how the empowerment of communities will create solutions.
By beginning with one portfolio and its connectiveness to others Kool Tours is the force of tens of thousands of years of wisdom and knowledge.